The most powerful influence in your life

Nov 24, 2014 | Empower, Kindness, life, Living, Strength, Truth, Uplift, Worth




“When you’re bad-mouthing yourself internally, you’re also listening hard. Remember there IS a recipient on the receiving end of your inner jargon.

Catch yourself whenever you start to put yourself down or discourage yourself. In that very moment STOP and SEE that person as 3D, standing right there in the room with you, looking at you wide eyed, earnestly, waiting to trust and believe whatever comes out of your mouth.

This isn’t a trick, it’s the sad yet honest reality. You’re listening, soaking up every message you send yourself. YOU are the one who can make the difference to yourself. YOU are the most powerful influencer in your life.

Maybe your boss or colleagues are mean, maybe the world bites hard sometimes, maybe your parents weren’t there for you or never understood you, perhaps you were bullied badly or still are, maybe you’ve had an abusive spouse, maybe you’ve felt your whole life that nobody cared and you have never mattered.

All the more reason and PROOF as to why YOU need to be the exact person to show up for yourself. Funny enough, it may feel as if all those other people and events are the ones that could make the difference to your life being good or bad, a success or failure. If only they’d understand or say sorry or back you up.

Truth is, it’s you. You’re the one, the only one who CAN make the difference. Every one else’s support or encouragement is either temporary or part time.

You’re the one constant in your life, the one voice always talking, the one companion always in the room.

Your approval, your belief is what you really need. Those eyes are looking to you, those ears are waiting for you.

Waste no more time looking outward.

And don’t just take some half-baked, casual attitude about it either. Would you convince anyone else that way? No.

You’re no fool and you don’t want some watered down, inner flaky prince or princess charming showing up, asking you to hop on a two legged horse outta there.

Get FIERCE with your life, get protective, get REAL and CHAMPION yourself every moment you can.

You’re listening, start talking.

I want to see you smash the illusions and powerhouse your life.

This world needs you at your best. YOU need you at your best.

This is the moment it all changes forever.” ~ Lynika Cruz